
Dating Rules that you should Know

Dating has become a common thing nowadays, and everyone is connected to someone to build an actual relationship. It is intimidating, complicated, and cherishing. You have to be careful about introducing yourself so that nothing seems to be overcooked. You have to stay in your lane and know what the other person wants. Whether you're casually dating or wanting to be in a serious relationship, you have to guard your rules so that the relationship doesn't take an unexpected turn.

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7 Dating Rules One Must Follow

To save yourself from toxicity and unhealthy behavior, we have accumulated some points that will help you to have a perfect date:

Do yourself a favor and try to go on multiple dates

Whenever you're new to anything, there are chances that you might spill something that is not required. For this reason, try going on multiple dates with different people to have an idea of how people react to other things. This will help you not get too emotionally attached to one person, and things won't hurt if someone rejects you. 

Be who you're

You have to be the one that you are. Be realistic and meet someone as an actual human with no fake aura and manners shield. If someone likes you and gets emotionally invested in you, you can always have a more considerable scope there when you're the same person they hang out with. You can even share your interests with them to communicate the mutual connections further. 

Be open-minded

Whenever you are out on a date, make sure you have an open mind because you might fall for a person opposite you. You can't strike them off just because you don't have a similar taste; instead, try giving them a chance to make it work.

Safety first

No matter how nice the person is, if you don't feel comfortable, get off from there and make a way out. It's better to be safe than sorry. Be polite to the person and make them understand the situation. You might also text your friend so that they can keep track.

Start at your own pace

You don't have to rush into anything when your heart still says NO. Get slowly into it and enjoy the small moments together. You don't have to run according to societal norms and get intimate with your partner. Whenever you feel the need to take things forward, take them. It is advised to be entirely sure when you're running into new things. 

Be punctual

Everybody likes it when someone respects their time and space. It is considered rude to make someone wait and can be a reason for the wrong impression of you on the first date. It may also seem like the other person is not interested, and they are just casually vibing. Prior to informing the other person can give you the upper hand. Just saying. 

Keep the dates short

Two hours are more than sufficient when you’re meeting someone for the first time. In these hours you’ll get to know the person and their interests. 

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